
Key Phone Numbers

  • General Council Office: +49 (0)175 6027798
  • Participant Emergencies (during travel or while at Council): +49 (0)175 6060734
  • Emergency Contact Number (for family, colleagues): +49 (0)175 6003705

The General Council is of interest not only to those within the Communion but also to the general public. The Council Communication Team is composed of members from nine different countries, speaking more than seven different languages. They will not only report about the Council itself but want to collect (and share) stories about many of the participants—so please be courteous to them. If you do not wish to be interviewed by anyone, please politely decline.

News and information about the Council will be shared online through a variety of means and you are encouraged to share posts, as well as post your own pieces (especially using the Council’s hashtag: #ref2017). Please do like/follow the WCRC via social media.

Website: The WCRC website will have all materials for the work of the Council, as well as feature stories about the Council and its participants. Please visit often!

Photos: A special photo website is available to download pictures. All pictures on this site are available to share and use as necessary.

Social Media: We invite you to join us virtually in the following ways:

Videos: videos will be posted to the WCRC YouTube Channel.

eNews: A daily news summary will be sent out via email to all participants, as well as to those who subscribe through the WCRC website.