Sharing Session: Europe and RAN

This session of the WCRC’s “COVID & Beyond” discernment process focused on presentations from WCRC Europe and the WCRC’s RAN (racism, authoritarianism, and nationalism) process.

The Europeans presented under the theme “Do not fear in times of pandemic.” As the economic impact of the pandemic hurts the poorest the most, churches are called to reconsider the role they can play in secularized societies, delivering a prophetic message to the public on such topics as the rule of law and democracy, health standards, and protection of the poor.

The RAN panelists addressed the growing and often violent upsurge of racist ideologies that are more often than not fed by nationalist discourses. Rightwing forces fueled by racist and quasi-fascist ideologies have asserted themselves in political life as well as in policy in many parts of the world.

The panelists lifted up the voices of racialized communities around the world while at the same time fleshed out the connections between racism, authoritarianism, and nationalism. They articulated theologies of life that arise from below as offering possibilities of resistance and transformation.