Calls for prayers for Mexico

This video gives an overview of the issues our sisters and brothers in Mexico are dealing with (co-produced by the United Church of Christ, a member of the WCRC):

(If the video does not work click through this link to watch it on YouTube.)

The Presbyterian Hispanic/Latino Men’s organization of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has called for prayers in the wake of the massacre of Mexican students:

“We call all individuals, families, congregations and faith organizations in general, to join in prayer and all kinds of support that is required so that the Mexican authorities exercise justice and do not leave unpunished this crime that affects the humankind created by God to live in harmony, brotherhood/sisterhood and peace.

“We invite our brothers and sisters of the World Communion of Reformed Churches around the world to join us in solidarity with the parents of the assassinated students and the Mexican people in general who is raising their voices in demand of justice and clarification. We cannot remain in silence!”

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