Applications invited for 2025 GIT

Applications are invited for the Global Institute in Theology which will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 1-14 October 2025.

The 2025 Global Institute of Theology (GIT) is a programme of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and offers a unique opportunity for a community of students from around the world to live together, learn and do theology in a fully inter-contextual and ecumenical way, connecting theology from the local to the regional and global levels.

The theme of the GIT is “From Creed to Confession: From Nicea to Accra.” 2025 marks the 1700th anniversary of the Nicean Creed, an ecumenical creed which is the basis of the common doctrinal formulation of the church. It is the most widely accepted Christian symbol that connects Christians from all over the world. Yet we recognize that the formulation of an official creed and its imposition emerged out of the church’s acquiescence with imperial power and culminated in the church’s complicity with the logic of empire. Yet the church has also not always been on the side of empire and has had its continual, though sometimes marginal, critique of power. This has been particularly envisaged in the 2004 Accra Confession which called the churches to see economic justice as a faith imperative and named Empire as the coming together of political, military and economic power.

This GIT seeks to flesh out the different trajectories of theological thought that have emerged through history in the church’s engagement with empire and seeks to lift up the critical imperatives that move the faith community from being a body that is not defined by confessional boundaries but rather as a confessing community. A community that asks in faith, why this and why now?

The 2025 GIT will be held before and alongside the 26th General Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches. The General Council is the highest decision-making body of the WCRC and will bring delegates from its member churches all over the world. The theme of the General Council 2025 is “Persevere in your witness.” Participants of the GIT will have the opportunity to be present at the General Council in an observer status and will have the privilege of special sessions with speakers and participants at the General Council as well.

This GIT will bring an exciting set of faculty from across the world and students will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of courses around the theme.

Applications are invited to the Global Institute of Theology from theological students or those who have just completed their theological studies and are below the age of 35.

  • Learn more about the GIT.
  • Download the 2025 GIT Application form: PDF, Word Doc

Completed applications for the GIT should be submitted no later than 1 December 2024 via email to

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