Member Church News: Hope, Ministry, Racism, Refugees

Ecumenical Pastor Thomas Fender goes to Syria and finds signs of hope for the future in the churches there (in German). Meanwhile, Martin Engels, of the Reformed Alliance (Germany), has criticized the planned tightening of asylum for refugees… Read More

Member Church News: Allies, Celebrations, Calls, Devotions

The Allies Next Door: Muslim neighbors stand guard over Christian clinic in Niger. Fifty years ago, Gordon Buys of Christian Reformed World Missions served as one of the first teachers at what was then the Wukari Combined Secondary… Read More

Member Church News: Peace, Asylum, Protests, Prayers

The National Council of Churches in Korea, as well as the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, have called for a re-commitment to peace, reconciliation and reunification after the rise in tensions on the Korean peninsula. A… Read More

Reformed Tastes: Our diversity becomes our strength

WCRC members carry out their ministries and missions in a wide variety of ways and contexts. Through this online series, Reformed Tastes, we hope to bring you short insights into what members of the Communion are doing, thinking… Read More

Member Church News: Logos, Songs, Reflections, Actions

The Presbyterian Church in Singapore has selected a logo to celebrate their 135th anniversary. Martin Engels, moderator of the Reformed Alliance, shares an Epiphany reflection on the status of asylum seekers in Germany (in German). Hope Incarnated: The… Read More

Member Church News: Year End Round-Up

In a Christmas video message the president of the Uniting Church in Australia says that Jesus’s birth is a sign that God is at work in the world. A march of migrant workers with hundreds of workers and supporters asking… Read More

Reformed Tastes: The Blanket Exercise

WCRC members carry out their ministries and missions in a wide variety of ways and contexts. Through this new online series, Reformed Tastes, we hope to bring you short insights into what members of the Communion are doing,… Read More

Member Church News: Evictions, Agreements, Welcomes, Appeals

Last week police moved in to forcibly evict members of El Tamarindo, a community on the outskirts of Barranquilla, Colombia, that has served as a home for internally displaced people for more than a decade. WCRC members visited… Read More

2015 Christmas Message

“And Mary said my soul magnifies the Lords, my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour… For the Mighty One has done great things for me… His mercy is for generation to generation… God has scattered the proud in… Read More

Member Church News: Floods, Youth, Worship, Memorials, More

As a coastal city in southern India deals with the worst rains it has seen in more than a century, the United Church of Christ is sending aid to help several hundred thousand people who have been affected… Read More