Member Church News: Colombia, Creation

Recently a group of Presbyterian Mission Agency personnel joined with ecumenical partners from across Latin America and the Caribbean and delegates from the World Council of Churches and the World Communion of Reformed Churches. They gathered in Bogotá, Colombia, at the “International Encounter for Reconciliation in Colombia: Ecumenical Experiences and Learnings in Peace Building.”

Season of Creation opens with prayers to “let peace and justice flow.” The Season of Creation officially began with a global ecumenical prayer on 1 September.

Cherishing Creation: Melody Duncanson Hales, a minister with The United Church of Canada, writes about Creation Time as an opportunity for heightened awareness, stewardship, and action.

Exclusive poll: Protestants are not the best pupils when it comes to fighting climate change! That’s what an Ifop poll of Catholics, Lutheran-Reformed, and Evangelicals shows.

Disability and Life in the Church: Mike Walker, of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, discusses how anxiety and depression, emerging from his experience of his body, affects his faith and life in the world.

The president of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland, made an official four-day trip to the United Kingdom in August to visit the United Reformed Church and partner organizations.

The international project “Reading the Bible through the eyes of others” connects people from different countries in reading biblical texts. Kerstin Neumann, Head of Intercultural Theology and Education, Women and Gender at the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity, explains how it works.

Image: For 66% of Lutheran-Reformed and 62% of evangelicals, the Church must talk more about ecology and global warming – MATT PALMER / UNSPLASH

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