Member Church News: Earthquake Relief

Churches appeal for aid as response to Turkey-Syria earthquake expands: Faith-based and humanitarian groups across the world were setting in motion appeals for aid and prayers as response expands in the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck Syria and Turkey on 6 February.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is providing emergency relief and short-term recovery in the impacted areas through long-standing partners in Syria, in addition to ACT Alliance members in Syria and Turkey, all of whom are already on the ground. PDA will remain active throughout the entire recovery process, accompanying their partners in the area as they determine long-term program needs and providing financial support for building and resilience.

Le violent séisme qui s’est produit à la frontière turco-syrienne a détruit de nombreuses infrastructures et causé d’immenses souffrances pour les personnes sur place. L’EPER est active depuis des années dans les régions particulièrement touchées du nord de la Syrie, où elle travaille avec plusieurs organisations ecclésiales partenaires. Ces dernières ont pu mettre en place des premières mesures d’aide d’urgence quelques heures à peine après la catastrophe. Dans un premier temps, l’EPER fournit une aide humanitaire à hauteur de CHF 1 million.

Syrien: Evangelische Gemeinden leisten Hilfe für Erdbebenopfer: Besonders in der Stadt Aleppo in Syrien sind die Einrichtungen und Gebäude der Evangelisch-Armenischen Kirche und der Evangelischen Kirche in Syrien und Libanon betroffen. Beide Kirchen haben sofort Hilfe in Form von Unterkunft, Lebensmitteln und Decken zur Verfügung gestellt. Menschen, die vor dem Erdbeben auf die Straße geflüchtet waren, fanden Unterkunft in den Räumen der Armenisch-Evangelischen Kirche und im Aleppo College, einer Schule der Evangelischen Kirche in Syrien und Libanon.

DM et l’Action chrétienne en Orient (ACO) relayent l’appel à l’aide de leurs deux Églises partenaires: le Synode évangélique national de Syrie et du Liban (NESSL) et l’Union des Églises évangéliques arméniennes au Proche-Orient (UAECNE). Les Églises demandent notre soutien dans les jours et les semaines à venir pour fournir de l’aide aux personnes dans le besoin : alimentation, eau potable, fuel pour produire de l’électricité et du chauffage, aide au logement.

La Chiesa evangelica valdese – Unione delle chiese metodiste e valdesi è vicina alle popolazioni siriane e turche colpite violentemente dal tragico sisma del 6 febbraio. Alle vittime, ai feriti, ai sopravvissuti e a tutte le persone che si stanno adoperando per portare aiuti e sostegno vanno preghiere e sentimenti di vicinanza nella certezza che Dio non si allontana dal dolore delle sue figlie e dei suoi figli.

A United Church of Christ delegation in Europe connects with partners to respond to the earthquake.

The United Church of Canada is accepting donations to help people impacted by the earthquake in Türkiye (Turkey) and Northern Syria.

The Uniting Church in Australia calls for prayers for Turkey and Syria.

World Renew has been working with local partners in the region for the past 12 years to provide emergency food, hygiene kits, winter supplies, and other support to refugee and local families. These partners are currently assessing needs to determine how best to share Christ’s hope with the most vulnerable people affected by this disaster.

The Reformed Church in America has launched an appeal to aid in the relief and rebuilding after the earthquake that devastated Turkey and Syria.

Christian World Service launches appeal for Turkey and Syria after earthquakes.

Aid and prayers from churches across the world stream in for earthquake survivors: As search-and-rescue continued in Turkey and Syria following a massive earthquake, churches mobilized to offer humanitarian aid and prayers.

International development charity, Christian Aid, has launched an emergency appeal to help people impacted by the devastating earthquakes that struck southern Turkey and northern Syria on 6 February.

The Middle East Council of Churches calls on the international community for emergency aid and urges the lifting of sanctions on Syria to allow the access of all materials.

The Conference of European Churches offers prayers following the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

The Christian Conference of Asia expresses grief on loss of thousands of lives in Turkey-Syria earthquake.

Photo: Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East.

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