Member Church News: Politics, Rights, Mission

Addressing Impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery: In April 2024 two representatives from the CRC in Canada went to a meeting of the World Communion of Reformed Churches. Adrian Jacobs, the CRC’s senior leader for Indigenous justice and reconciliation, and Marlene Wolters, chair of the CRC’s Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee, were extended an invitation to participate in the North and South American Consultation of the World Communion of Reformed Churches as Indigenous representatives of the CRCNA.

The umbrella organization of Protestant Reformed Christians in Germany, the Reformed Alliance, wants to get more involved in political debates and position itself against the shift to the right in society.

“People on the Move”: Webinar discusses the ecumenical work that’s helping millions who are displaced by conflict and natural disasters. The webinar was sponsored by the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy, the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Reformed Church in America, and Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ.

MECC Secretary General Michel Abs Participates in a Farewell Meeting for Patti Talbot: The United Church of Canada organized an online farewell meeting for Patti Talbot, who retired after 30 years of working at the UCC and contributing to strengthening the ecumenical spirit.

Faith and labor organizations forge new paths in just transitions: In a consultation titled “Care is work, work is care,” representatives from the World Council of Churches, Roman Catholic Church, and the International Labour Organisation convened in Rome to foster a global transformative community. The meeting aimed to address urgent labour issues intensified by the polycrisis of climate change, economic instability, and geopolitical tensions.

Applications open for Asian Ecumenical Institute: Applications are open for an Asian Ecumenical Institute organized by the World Council of Churches and the Christian Conference of Asia.

“Therefore go and teach all nations…” says the Gospel of Matthew. The so-called “mission order” has lost none of its validity to this day, says the director of the ELM, Emmanuel Kileo.

Image: Paul Jeffrey/Life on Earth

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