Member Church News: Peace, Immigration, Campaigns, Meetings

A fragile peace agreement was signed in South Sudan last week. “This peace agreement is the result of the Church’s involvement. The churches were invited by IGAD into the peace talks. There were several peace agreements since 2014,… Read More

Member Church News: Welcoming, Visiting, Partnering, Supporting

The Evangelical Church in Greece are welcoming refugees and migrants, as you can see through a video overview. A delegation of NextGen youth from the Uniting Church of Australia have visited the demilitarised zone (DMZ) that separates North… Read More

Member Church News: Pope in Geneva, Protesting Policy, Coming Together

The thirst for material things blinds human beings to their companions and that indifference abounds in the world’s streets today, Pope Francis said in a homily at the World Council of Churches in Geneva today. At the Ecumenical… Read More

Member Church News: Worshiping, Praying, Working, Eating Together

United in Worship, united in mission: On June 10, the synods of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) and the Reformed Church in America (RCA) gathered together for worship. Mixing participants from the RCA and the CRC, the service… Read More

The Scandal of Hunger

The second annual Global Day of Prayer to End Famine is 10 June. Philip Vinod Peacock, WCRC executive secretary for justice and witness, wrote the following meditation to be shared freely. We are living in the midst of… Read More

Member Church News: Peace, Visit, Anniversary

“No matter which way the winds in the White House are blowing, we women are moving forward with our Korean sisters who are determined to put an end to this disastrous 70-year-old conflict,” said a delegate of an… Read More

Member Church News: Westminster Confession, peace in south sudan, #MeToo and #ChurchToo

The role of the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Church of Scotland’s subordinate standard, is to be reviewed. The General Assembly today approved an Overture from the Presbytery of Melrose and Peebles which instructed the Theological Forum to… Read More

Pursue Peace in Korea

We join with our sisters and brothers of the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) in expressing concern about the cancellation of the summit between the United States and North Korea: We are convinced that the way… Read More

Member Church News: Ordained women, praying for peace, speaking together

Learn more about the women who won the battle to be Church of Scotland ministers 50 years ago and read about 500 women ministers and their supporters who brought traffic to a standstill in Edinburgh as they marked… Read More

Member Church News: Unity, Transformative Action, Hope

South Sudanese Church leaders from seven different denominations and seven different states attended the National Council of Churches in Australia’s first national peacebuilding consultation in Canberra on May 15- 16. Read More Christian presence and witness in the… Read More