Member Church News: Blessings, Paintings, Sharings, Greetings

What has become an annual ritual for many churches—the “Blessing of the Backpacks”—has taken on special importance at First Presbyterian Church in Findlay, Ohio. This year, the event was integrated into the larger concept of commemorating milestones within… Read More

Member Church News: Connecting, Growing, Serving

The First Church of Marlborough, Massachusetts, has challenged Pokemon Go players to leave a donation at the “PokeStop” in their church’s parking lot. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and the United Church of Christ in Japan held their… Read More

Member Church News: Responding, Praying, Believing

Red Crearte has posted a taste of worship from AIPRAL’s 12th Assembly on their YouTube channel. The Assembly also issued a pastoral letter calling for daily care of God’s creation. In response to unprecedented flooding in southern Louisiana,… Read More

Member Church News: Biking, Gathering, Finding

Representatives from more than 25 Presbyterian and Reformed churches in Latin America are gathered to celebrate the 12th General Assembly of AIPRAL. To commemorate the centenary of the birth of Pastor Xie Wei, the Xie Wei Memorial Presbyterian… Read More

Member Church News: Supporting, Welcoming, Recovering

Nancy Loucks, a member of the Church of Scotland, speaks about her job as chief executive of Families Outside, a charity supporting families of prisoners. The President of the Uniting Church in Australia Mr Stuart McMillan has welcomed… Read More

Member Church News: Protests, Programmes, Pokemon

Churches throughout India are stepping up protests against the country’s discriminatory caste system which disadvantages Dalit Christians and Muslims. The caste system is a Hindu-based status system that grades different groups of people on a social scale. Trump’s… Read More

Member Church News: Challenges, Cries, Visits

This week, the Republican National Convention is bringing 50,000 visitors to Cleveland, home of the United Church of Christ national offices, creating a host of challenges and opportunities for those living in the city and working at the… Read More

Member Church News: Responses

The United States has once again been embroiled in a series of shootings that have “sparked debate over gun violence, racism and use of force by police.” WCRC member churches in North America have responded to these events…. Read More

Member Church News: Nesting

Several immigrant families from East Africa have found a “nest” in which they can gather for worship on Sunday afternoons at Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Reflecting a church-planting trend called “nesting,” which is… Read More

Member Church News: Movements and Transformations

J. Herbert Nelson was overwhelmingly elected stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA), becoming the first black man selected as the top ecclesial officer of the United States’ largest Reformed body, a largely white denomination. Transforming the future… Read More