WCRC welcomes warming of relations between United States and Cuba

It is with joy and hope that we have received the news about the speeches of the presidents of the United States of America and Cuba, who two days ago simultaneously announced the restoration of diplomatic relationships between… Read More

Member churches advocate for ecological justice

AIPRAL, the WCRC’s regional council in Latin America, signed on to an ecumenical statement in advance of the recently completed UN Climate Change Conference (also known as COP 20) held in Lima, Peru. “AIPRAL has been working a… Read More

Prayers needed for NCCP

Dear sisters and brothers, We have just received this sad news about our brother in Christ, the Rev. Rex Reyes, general secretary of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP): Dear Esteemed Heads of Churches, Ecumenical… Read More

WCRC opens new round of dialogue with Pentecostals

“Mission” was the theme of the first meeting in a new dialogue between Reformed and Pentecostal theologians held in Hungary at the end of November. This first session also had an introductory character, with time taken to review… Read More

Members in United States call for prayer, action

In the wake of the grand jury verdict in Ferguson, Missouri, our member churches in the United States of America have called for prayer, peaceful protest and a recommitment to long term actions to promote racial justice in… Read More

Members invited to actively oppose violence against women and children

The We Will Speak Out coalition invites all members of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) to join in its annual “16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children.” The campaign begins on Tuesday,… Read More

WCRC recommits to the Accra Confession

A recent global consultation marking the 10th anniversary of the Accra Confession is recommending that the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), its member churches and ecumenical partners should work to address economic and environmental injustices “in a… Read More

From fences to solidarity: the church’s response to refugees

The borders constructed by human hands have hardened into walls against those who God calls us to protect.

WCRC welcomed as agreement approved

It’s not often that Calvin and Zwingli are quoted on the floor of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag), let alone large sections of the Accra Confession. But that was the case late last week when legislators voted unanimously… Read More

Prayers needed for Madagascar

Earlier this week Marc Ravalomanana, the former Madagascar president deposed in a military coup, returned from exile. He was soon thereafter taken into custody by the military and removed to an unknown location. He has not been allowed… Read More