Member Church News: Confronting injustices

On Saturday, 26 June, AIPRAL’s next MIRADAS virtual meeting will focus on the challenge of gender violence in Latin America. United Church of Christ leaders are reaching out to colleagues at The United Church of Canada in prayer… Read More

Member Church News: Prayer, Support, Justice

The Evangelical Church of Rio de la Plata and the United Evangelical Lutheran Church sent a letter of solidarity to the Reformed Churches in Argentina following an attack suffered by the community of Quilmes on Sunday 23, when… Read More

Member Church News: Singing the Accra Confession

A musical Confession of Faith based on the Accra Confession by David Alexander (Reformed Church in America) is available on YouTube. The United Reformed Church (UK) General Assembly Moderators joined 450 academics, politicians, charities, faith leaders, and healthcare… Read More

Member Church News: Advocating, Praying, Singing

This year marked the 200th anniversary of the first Protestant cemetery in Argentina, which consisted of what is now the German Cemetery and the British Cemetery in the Chacarita neighborhood of the city of Buenos Aires. The Uniting… Read More

Member Church News: Calls and Prayers for Peace

After 10 years of ongoing war in Syria, the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon and the Presbyterian Church in Aleppo created the Children of the World Medical Center in Aleppo to address the scale, severity, and… Read More

Member Church News: Vaccine Theology, Support for India

J. Todd Billings, of Western Theological Seminary (Reformed Church in America) writes that, “Vaccine skeptics need a dose of creation theology. Medicine has limits. But as John Calvin knew, it can be an extraordinary gift from God.” A… Read More

From the General Secretary: What does God require of us?

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? —Micah 6:8 (NRSV) The WCRC Strategic… Read More

Member Church News: Supporting, Advocating, Vaccinating

The Uniting Church in Australia has reached out to its partners in the Church of North India to provide support and assistance as Indian struggles with a huge surge of COVID-19 cases. More than 894 million doses of… Read More

Member Church News: Justice, Ecumenism, Advocacy

Pauperization and concentration of wealth, a vital challenge for the region: On Saturday, 24 April, AIPRAL will hold the second in a series of webinars focused on theology and diakonia in a post-pandemic world, reflecting on the mission… Read More

Member Church News: Women, Rights, Goals

In the atmosphere of celebrating International Women’s Day on 26 March, the Presbytery of Kigali (Rwanda) organized a daylong workshop to remind women church leaders to continue fighting against the pandemics of COVID-19 and HIV/AIDS. “The COVID-19 pandemic… Read More