Member Church News: Uniting, Rebuilding, Vaccinating

“United Against Inequality”—WCRC executive Philip Vinod Peacock was interviewed at the G20 Interfaith Forum in Bologna, Italy. All Christian Reformed Church in North America staff who wish to work in either the Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, or Burlington,… Read More

Member Church News: Creation, Cooperation, Celebration

A Trip through the Reformation: A new book takes an on-the-ground look at the tumultuous times of the Reformation. As the Season of Creation continues, the United Church of Australia has shared a blessing by Palawa woman Alison… Read More

Member Church News: Flooding, Advocating

Prayers are requested for Mekane Yesus Seminary in Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis Ababa. The seminary is operated by the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus and suffered a sudden and catastrophic flash flood that left death and destruction in… Read More

From the President: New leadership during interim

Greetings in the name of Christ, In the midst of the critical times that the world is facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to live in hope as a Communion on our journey towards justice, as… Read More

From General Secretary Ferguson: Grateful, Blessed, and Challenged

“…And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” —Micah 6:8 (NRSV) Greetings in the name of Christ, The only authentic way to begin… Read More

Member Church News: New Requiem, Climate Justice, Interfaith Peace

A COVID lament inspires original choral composition for Scotland festival: It started as a very personal piece of pain and loss. It’s now a requiem for the world during a global pandemic. Karen Georgia Thompson’s experience with COVID-19… Read More

Member Church News: Prayers, Partners, Reflections

Uruguayan lay and pastoral women from the Evangelical Waldensian Church of Rio de la Plata and the Uruguay District of the Evangelical Church of Rio de la Plata are organizing the celebration of the Day of Prayer for… Read More

Member Church News: Partnering, Responding, Praying

Madagascar fighting the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and food insecurity: the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) partner in ministries of health, environment, agriculture, and safe drinking water. FJKM believes that Christian… Read More

Member Church News: Rights, Responsibilities, Reflections

The Christian Reformed Church in North America and Reformed Church in America Disability Concerns have a new offering for churches who want to be more hospitable toward people with disabilities and foster more inclusive ministry. Everybody Belongs, Serving… Read More

Member Church News: Advocacy, Action, Discussion

Presbyterians tell U.S. to end support of Colombian police, military: The Presbyterian Church (USA) and a grassroots Presbyterian group are two of two dozen organizations calling for the suspension of security aid to Colombia and an end to… Read More