Nyomi points Communion toward future

“It is my hope that this Executive Committee meeting will fire us up to persevere in our faith, and will strengthen our resolve to persevere in our calling to make the WCRC a leader in the call to communion and commitment to justice,” said Setri Nyomi, interim general secretary, in his report to the Committee on Sunday, 19 May.

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) Executive Committee is meeting 18-22 May under the theme, “Persevere in Your Witness.”

“When we developed the Accra Confession in the 24th General Council, we were hopeful that the confessing church of our days now have the tool to courageously stand up and be faithful witnesses making a change in the downward spiral of the world. Twenty years later, here we are. Things are worse,” he said, reflecting on the theme.

“It is in this setting that we hear the words of the writer of Hebrews: Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfector of our faith. The race that is set before us is still to persevere in our faith, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith,” said Nyomi.

“The World Communion of Reformed Churches have been called to a time such as this. We cannot afford to yield to the forces of despair and cynicism. Central Reformed The race that is set before us is to be Christ’s witnesses in a time such as this, to be God’s instruments of transformation. The times are hard. The forces of empire may yet do their worst in persecuting us, or ridiculing our message. But let us persevere,” he said.

With “the long-term sustainability of the WCRC …of paramount importance,” Nyomi brought forward a business plan for financing and staff restructuring. From 2028, staff would be deployed around the world, leaving only a core team in the office in Hannover, Germany. Members will be more fully re-engaged in the lead-up to the 2025 General Council, and a new fundraising campaign will soon be launched.

“The World Communion of Reformed Churches have gone through some major challenges. But with the team that you have called to serve it at this time, we are poised to have a way forward which will serve its member churches well and be effective in God’s mission of transformation,” he said.

Also in his report, Nyomi reported on programmatic highlights, member and ecumenical relations, and interactions with regional councils.

The Executive Committee also received reports from the Strategic Plan Programme group and the General Council Planning Committee, as well as taking up a draft Travel Policy.

On Sunday morning, attendees of the Executive Committee joined several congregations in West Michigan for Pentecost worship, participating in a variety of ways.

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