Kassab: Protestant churches essential to Middle East

“Hope can endure if we keep God first.” Even in the midst of a terrible civil war, the Christian church in Syria is strong and committed to caring for people who have been affected by the conflict, said… Read More

Gender, leadership and power focus of consultation

Gender, leadership and power was the focus of the first in a series of regional consultations, held in northeast India in early December. This consultation “is an invitation to churches to re-visit our understanding and our practice of… Read More

Applications invited for 2020 GEM School

The next Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics and Management (GEM) for an Economy of Life will be held in Taiwan, 17 to 28 August 2020. In order to strengthen the voice of churches on global economics, a select… Read More

Accra Confession focuses justice work in Africa

The Accra Confession was the focus of a capacity building consultation that gathered over three dozen church leaders from across Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, in early November. The Accra Confession, adopted by the World Alliance of Reformed Churches… Read More

WCRC mourns death of prophetic theologian

The World Communion of Reformed Churches mourns the passing away of Vuyani Vellem on 4 December in his home country of South Africa after a struggle with cancer. Vellem, a professor at Pretoria University, was a specialist in… Read More

Northeast Asian youth learn from each other

Young adults from around northeast Asia gathered in Seoul, South Korea, in late October for the first Youth Leadership Empowerment conference. Sponsored by the Northeast Asia Area Council (NEAAC), the four-day meeting was designed to introduce NEAAC and… Read More

Mission in Context: From “witness” to “with-ness”

A group of twenty-six church leaders, theologians, and activists have called for a prophetic theology which reflects God’s concern for compassionate justice. They gathered at the Beit El Salam Retreat Centre (Alexandria, Egypt) to share their experiences, deliberate… Read More

Boesak challenges WCRC to continue global struggle

“Struggles for justice and human dignity are going on everywhere,” said Allan Boesak, in a keynote address delivered at a strategic planning meeting last week outside of Alexandria, Egypt. “Pretending that a struggle is not necessary, or that… Read More

Reformed-Pentecostal dialogue distilling five years’ of discussion

The sixth session of the Reformed-Pentecostal Dialogue, which has revolved around the understanding of “mission,” focused on bringing together the fruits of their five years of work: mission and salvation the Holy Spirit and mission mission and the… Read More

WCRC responds to situation in northeast Syria

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33 Rev. Najla Kassab, president of the World… Read More