GEM School panel calls for prophetic action

“We are in the midst of four pandemics, and they are intertwined. The COVID pandemic has revealed more vividly the pandemics of economic injustice, racism, and climate change,” said Cynthia Moe-Lobeda in her presentation to the 2020 GEM… Read More

Churches express solidarity with people of Zimbabwe

In response to the situation in Zimbabwe, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Council of Churches, Lutheran World Federation, and World Methodist Council issued a pastoral letter to the people and churches in Zimbabwe. The letter was… Read More


We stand with Kairos Palestine and Kairos Global and share in the Cry for Hope issued by a broad coalition of Palestinian Christians and partners around the world—theologians, church leaders, lay and clergy—to end the oppression of the Palestinian… Read More

500 million Christians urge G20 to fix broken economic architecture

Four global organizations representing some 500 million Christians have written an urgent letter to G20 leaders, calling for them to leave behind the current broken financial architecture and promote a truly just and sustainable recovery: 13 July 2020… Read More

WCRC begins search for next general secretary

The World Communion of Reformed Churches is starting the process to choose its next General Secretary after Rev. Dr. Chris Ferguson completes his term of service in August 2021. “As a global koinonia, we seek to discern, confess,… Read More

Annexation will undermine peace and justice

Ecumenical Statement on the Planned Annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. —Psalm 103:6 As faith-based organizations representing believers worldwide,* we express our concern over the planned annexation of occupied… Read More

WCRC developing response to pandemic

A global consultation began a process for the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) to discern how the Communion can “provide for a prophetic theological response” to the COVD-19 pandemic and to prepare the Communion to move towards… Read More

WCRC joins ecumenical call against racism

United Nations Human Rights Council debate on “current racially inspired human rights violations, systematic racism, police brutality against people of African descent and violence against peaceful protests.” As people of faith, we welcome the debate held by the… Read More

WCRC condemns injustice of racism in the United States

“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet the stones will cry out.” —Luke 19:40 The World Communion of Reformed Churches expresses its grief, anger, and solidarity over the murder of George Floyd and the many, many… Read More

Season of Creation 2020 guide now available

A new guide for eco-theological worship resources and activities for the 2020 Season of Creation is now available, thanks to a wide array of ecumenical partners. A webinar, “Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope,” is also… Read More