JDDJ Document

Read the full document in the language of your choice on the WCRC’s Association with the Joint Declaration of the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ): English German French Spanish. More information on the process of association to the JDDJ is… Read More

GIT 2017: A journey of inspiration and renewal from Wuppertal to Leipzig

by Hui Jun Chia “Our time in Wuppertal was an absolutely amazing reality of the beauty of God’s diversity—from the thoughtful setting, to the imaginative worship experiences, courses, exposure visits, to the clear and loving model of leadership… Read More

Lebanese pastor elected as president

The Rev. Najla Kassab, a minister in the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL), has been elected president of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), which groups more than 225 churches in over 110 countries…. Read More

WCRC supports reconciliation efforts in Korea

by Laurence Villoz The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has called for the development of an ecumenical process to work toward the peaceful reconciliation of the Korean Peninsula from 2017 to 2025, the 80th anniversary of Korea’s… Read More

Incoming President Najla Kassab speaks of gender equality and justice

By Amy Eckert “Here I stand, a Middle Eastern woman in the Pulpit of Luther.” So began the sermon delivered by Rev. Najla Kassab at the General Council worship service in Wittenberg on July 5. Now Kassab is… Read More

Peace process in Colombia is in danger, warns Council

by Stephen Brown Warning of dangers to a peace process in Colombia between the government and rebel movements, the World Communion of Reformed Churches has called on the Colombian government to ensure a negotiated end to the conflict… Read More

World Protestant body issues solidarity message with Palestinian Christians

by Stephen Brown The World Communion of Reformed Churches has urged its more than 225 member churches worldwide to examine their mission, education and investment relationships with Israel and Palestine in the light of the witness of Palestinian… Read More

Global Protestant gathering commemorates Czech reformer Jan Hus

By Stephen Brown With prayers, hymns and readings, the Czech reformer Jan Hus has been commemorated at a global assembly of Reformed churches on the anniversary of his being burned at the stake as a heretic on 6… Read More

World Exhibition brings Reformation to life in Wittenberg

When General Council members departed from the ecumenical service at Wittenberg’s Town Church on July 6, they discovered a city peppered with 90 Reformation-themed attractions, the World Reformation Exhibition. During this 500th anniversary year of Martin Luther’s Reformation,… Read More

Bible underlines the need to support diversity, says Palestinian Christian

by Stephen Brown The church worldwide will not survive if Christians in Africa, Asia and Latin America do not develop their own expressions of faith and theology, Palestinian Christian Mitri Raheb has told a global assembly of Reformed… Read More